Can I try Legentibus for free?

Yes! You can try Legentibus for free: There are two options:

  1. Free books category: Read and listen to a selection of Latin audiobooks and Read-Alongs.
  2. Full trial with full access to all Latin audiobooks and Read-Alongs.

1. Free books category

  1. Download the app for Android or iOS (it works on smartphones and tablets).
  2. Open Legentibus.
  3. Create an account for free.
  4. You can have a look at the Free books category.

2. Free full trial

  1. When you have logged in to Legentibus, tap on the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner to open the menu.
  2. Tap on manage subscriptions.
  3. Pick one of the subscription plans (monthly, 6 months, a year).
  4. A 3-day trial is included in every subscription.

If you cancel the subscription within the 3-day period, you will not be charged any money.

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